Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Two noticings...

1.) I have links to the blogs of 19 people on this site. The names of 8 of those people start with "J." Weird.

2.) Check out letsbefriends.blogspot.com. It's got some cute pictures of unlikely animals posing together.

And have a happy Tuesday, all. :)


gloria said...

All of my siblings start with the letter "G" - I was number 4 out of 5 and for most of my growing up years thought that my folks had gotten kind of lazy toward the end. :)

I loved the piglets in tiger jackets!

Erin Bennett said...

The tiger piglets were my favorite too!
My mom is Margaret, and adds to her sisters Martha, Marian, and Michelle. Her parents really did get lazy, because her youngest sister is Janice. :)