"He says, 'Be still and know that I am God.' Be still and know. Be still. Be. It starts with 'be.' Just be, dear one." Shauna Niequist
Monday, January 29, 2007
It's bathtime!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
What having a 10-month-old keeps you from....
Time for bed.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
The beginning was an episode of 24 and I was flying in a plane with Bill Buchanan (one of the main characters). We ended up picking up who we thought to be a terrorist. She was actually on the good side, but she made us almost crash the plane in Maple Grove. Except, as you headed east in Maple Grove, instead of hitting Osseo, there were a bunch of mountains. After landing/semi-crashing the plane, I headed to my parents' house, which was actually at the Gap. And you were there! You came over for dinner and you were eating salad when I walked in. You asked me if you could have more dressing. My dad said that there was more "sausage dressing" in the fridge, but the thought of that almost made you throw up. So I cam back in with "Lite Italian" and it already had croutons in the bottle. After giving you the dressing, I decided to take Jack and my brother to go climb the aforementioned mountains. But we got halfway up and had to stop because they had painted the mountains and they were slippery. Then I came back to the house (aka Gap) and soon after, I woke up.
Anyone wanna take this one? I think it means that I was simply not sleeping deeply enough. :)
Friday, January 19, 2007
Ten months
You're smarter than a monkey! A friend of ours told us a while ago (when his son was your age) that when a baby reaches the 10-month mark, he is officially smarter than a monkey. Oh, we're so proud of you!
Yes, you are ten months old. Just a couple months until you're a year--it's so weird to think of it that way. You are continuing to develop quite the little personality. You love to laugh and talk to us in your own little language. We can't wait until you are saying actual words and we can really have a conversation!
We're working on your sleep, which isn't really improving. You've had some tears the last couple of nights, but you are starting to sleep longer periods since I'm not nursing you overnight anymore. Maybe once you get the idea that I'm not an all-night snack bar, you'll stop bothering to wake up at 2:30! In other eating-related news, it's always a great accomplishment to get you to keep down your food. You've had the same cold on and off since about October, and you get pretty full of gunk, and sometimes it makes you puke. Such a bummer!
We celebrated your first Christmas last month. How exciting! When it came to opening gifts, you were really more interested in eating the bits of paper you could pry from the packages. All the more to make you gag! You got lots of fun things. Mostly clothes from Grandma, Mimi, and Poppa. Uncle John painted a cute little rocking chair for you, and you love sitting in it. And of course, lots of little toys that are exciting simply because they are new! We also got you a sled, and even though we've had some snow, we haven't had a chance to use it yet. It will be so exciting when we can!
You had your 9-month pictures taken last week (even though it was closer to 10 months....). You were a little stinker! The photographer would get you to smile, and then when he got back into position with his camera, you would give him a very serious look. I think we got some cute shots, though. Now that you're more mobile, you gave me quite the workout for the half hour we were in there. Up. Down. Crawl away. Roll over. Up. Down. Up. Crawl. Good thing you're cute!
Sometimes when you are crawling around at home, you'll put your head down on the carpet like you're going to sleep. It's super cute. You've also done it to Ruby while she's in her little cat bed. It's adorable! And it's a good thing she's so nice, because you tend to pull her fur and push down on her belly sometimes. You know she's your friend!
We're so excited about how independent you're becoming. Soon you'll be walking around all over the place! You're growing up so quickly, and we just love that we get to be a part of it! You are just too much fun. Keep up the giggles, the quirky expressions, the sweet snuggles, and the priceless cooing.
I love you to the moon and back!
Monday, January 15, 2007
A challenge to bloggers
In other news, Jack doesn't sleep. Every morning I wake up thinking, "I don't know how much longer I can do this." But what other choice do I have? I have to do this! It's wearing on me, though. I always feel ready for a nap. And I never get one, unfortunately. :) So, if anyone has wisdom for me in this arena, I'm willing to try anything! Honestly, getting him to sleep for more than an hour at a time at night will be an improvement. He's almost 10 months, for crying out loud! At least he's a precious little guy. :)
Friday, January 12, 2007
A couple of cute pictures....
Beautiful child
beautiful child right from the moment you were born
you overtook my heart my world
my beautiful child
tender and sweet both in your crying and your sleep
you radiate a sense of hope
you're beautiful
And I have seen the most amazing sights
in my travels on the earth
misty seas and amber harbor lights
and other things of matchless worth
but next to you all of the beauty seems so plain
you would think I'd never seen a beautiful thing
And I have seen the most amazing sights
in my travels on the earth
seven sacred pools on starry nights
and other things of matchless worth
but next to you all of the beauty seems so plain
you would think i'd never seen a beautiful thing
I have seen the most amazing sights
in my travels on the earth
moonlight sleeping on the canyon heights
and other things of matchless worth
but next to you all of the beauty seems so plain
you would think i'd never seen a beautiful thing
sara groves
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
"I think I would have liked that man"
Monday, January 01, 2007
Jack at Christmas
More soon. We're getting bad at taking pictures, so hang in there with us. :)
Happy New Year!
Well, that was a tangent if I've ever had one. No other big news. I promise to post more pictures soon. We have a new computer, and I have yet to download pictures onto it. I'm sure it's no harder than it was on the old computer, but it gives me an excuse for falling behind. :)
Happy 2007, everyone!