Friday, March 10, 2006

Oscar review!

Okay, I'm almost a week late on this one.

The Academy Awards were great. I was pleasantly surprised with John Stewart as the host. There were plenty of lovely dresses to admire. And Crash winning best picture? The highlight of my evening! Seriously, it's the only one in the category that deserved it, but I just figured that Brokeback would walk away with it (not because of the quality of the movie, but because of the controversy--luckily it only got three awards).

"In other news," I'm still pregnant. :) 39 weeks and 2 days to be exact. And although I'm still not dilating, as of today I am effacing. Very exciting stuff, people! Encouragement that I will not be pregnant forever! But even if I'm pregnant for another 2 or 3 weeks, I think I'll be fine. Other than heartburn and swollen ankles, I'm not terribly uncomfortable. Yet...

Keep the due date guesses coming!

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