Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's a....

fairly uncooperative fetus.

As soon as the technician squirted the gel on my belly and brought up the image on her screen, she said, "Oh, your bladder isn't very full." Interesting. I was supposed to drink 16 ounces of water. I drank at least 24, plus half of my water bottle on the way to the doctor's office. She said, "Well, maybe you were dehydrated and the water went somewhere else." Seriously? Water does that? Anyway, I didn't start out well. She very bluntly explained that being able to see the gender of the baby is very much dependent on how full the mother's bladder is. Wow, what a way to start!

So, the tech proceeded with the boring stuff. Looking at all the parts of my uterus, finding different things on the baby, measuring everything she could get her wand on, etc. We quickly found out that our little one was breech. It sat on its butt the whole time--with the umbilical cord between its legs, no less. So the tech kept doing other things, hoping it would eventually move. It didn't.

Don't get me wrong, this was one adorable baby. Playing with its toes, sucking its thumb, and apparently talking to something in there (or just opening and closing its mouth for no reason). But I really wanted to find out what it is so that we can stop saying "it." :) The tech got all of her necessary stuff done and decided to take one more look at the crotch. "Well, there's definitely not anything hanging down, so I'm inclined to think it's a girl. I'd say about 70% chance it's a girl. But don't start buying pink." She moved the wand around a little more. "Yup, here's the cord, right between the legs. There are definitely three lines (that's what they look for in a girl--use your imagination), I'm just not sure they are "the" three lines." She ended by saying she was 80% sure it's a girl. "Okay, you can buy pink. Just keep the receipts."

So, I was a little bummed. Not because I wanted one gender more than the other--I have many reasons for wanting both. I just wanted to know with a little more surety than what we left with. I see my doctor next Tuesday for an ultrasound follow up. My first question is how much an extra ultrasound costs. :) Yup, I'm ridiculous! I know that insurance only covers one. And I have NO interest in one of those private 3D ultrasound places--they kind of creep me out.

So, it's (maybe) a girl!

p.s. By the end of the ultrasound, the tech said, "Oh, your bladder is plenty full now!" But it obviously didn't matter. At least I did everything I was supposed to!


Trish said...

ahhh i was so excited when i clicked on your post! dang. well, i think it's a girl then. oh, and from all my ultrasounds, i learned for my body it takes longer then the usual 45 minutes to get a full bladder... the water just takes it's time. so i had to drink earlier, and since your was full by the end, i bet it's the same for you.

amy + ryan said...

AAUGH!! I'm so excited!! Well, I guess I'm 80% excited. No, I'm 100% excited either way because it's a BABY!!

Funny: before I clicked on the comments, I thought, "I wonder if this was the same tech Trisha had?"

Yay yay yay! I've been waiting for this post! :)

("Keep the receipts." That's funny, although I'm sure she's had lots of opportunities to perfect that line.)

amy + ryan said...

hmm. I realize that my comment seems to imply that I wanted it to be a girl. I was just trying to be witty, using the 80% thing. For the record, I really don't have a preference. :)

Trish said...

it SO IS the same tech! don't we go to the same place- park nicollet carlson towers??

Erin Bennett said...

Amy, I didn't read your comment that way. ;)
Trisha, how crazy if we had the same lady. I don't remember seeing her name--she was probably mid-40s to 50, had kind of a raspy voice. Hilarious. :)

Holly said...

The inconclusiveness sounds like what happened with Avery. They said they thought she was a girl, but they weren't sure. Later, the midwife said that all she had to do was ask for another measurement of something and that we could get another ultra sound. So, we had another, and viola! 3 lines.

p.s. not that I wanted this whole post to be about me, I was just offering my own info b/c I feel like it applies in this situation...

Trish said...

YES. same woman. i'm positive she's the only sonographer there!! way too funny.

Lisa said...

this has no bearing whatsoever, BUT when my sister was preg. with Julia, I had a feeling the whole time it was a girl.. I've had the same feeling with yours...
I think you can be confident :) haha!

amy + ryan said...

seriously? you guys actually go to the same clinic? too funny.

Alissa said...

Exciting!! I still think it's funny we are pregnant at the same time and don't even know each other! This time I'm only 3 weeks behind you, not 5 months! :-)