About Me

My name is Erin. I'm a wife. I'm a daughter. I am in love with my heavenly Father. And I'm a mom to five beautiful children. The three children I get to mother on this earth are Jackson, Leah, and William. My daughter Hannah and son Charlie are waiting for me in heaven.

I've always enjoyed writing. It started as a way to survive college writing courses and morphed into a way to express myself. When I started this blog in 2005 (then titled "Just Write," hence my website name), it was incredibly random. I'll say, blogging was kind of the thing to do among my group of friends. Then Jackson came along a year later and the blog made a sharp turn into "mommy blog" territory. It continued that way as Leah entered the world in 2009 and through the beginning of my pregnancy with Hannah. 

And then our world shifted. Hannah was stillborn on November 5, 2011. And right away, numerous people encouraged me to journal my feelings about the whole thing. I'm a typical "journaler" in that I have four or five that each have a few pages written in them. So I decided that I would "journal" by blogging. And for the first time since February 21, 2005, I felt like my blog had a purpose. Also for the first time since that date, I didn't care if anyone else ever read anything I wrote. This was for me. This was my way to get on "paper" what was going on inside. In the midst of the deepest pain I'd ever felt, I was able to get things out. Even when I felt like there was no one else in the world I could talk to, I could talk to my blog.

Our grief was compounded on June 10, 2012 when our son Charlie was miscarried at 14 weeks. To be in a place where we had started to have hope again and have it ripped away was pretty brutal. But we survived. 

We welcomed our sweet rainbow baby Will into our family on September 30, 2013. His presence has been very healing, but it's also made me very aware of just how much we've missed with Hannah and Charlie. Grief is complicated. Grateful for a God who holds us through it all!

If you'd like to contact me, feel free to comment on any post. Or you can email me directly at erinmbennett720@gmail.com.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you were loved ♥