Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This is amazing

Seriously amazing. A friend on Facebook shared a link to this video. Please watch it and enjoy. :)

After watching it, I noticed another video on the right called "The Making of....." and I had to watch it. Well, it turns out there were four parts of "The Making of...." but it just made the original video that much more amazing! So please, sit back and enjoy. If for nothing else than to enjoy David Crowder's hair. Honestly. Love.


Jenny and Mike said...

Whoa. Paige is getting a lightbright for Christmas....now I'm not so sure she is ready for one...

Erin Bennett said...

Ha! It's serious stuff! I LOVED my lightbright when I was a kid!

julie @ shorts and longs said...

Wow. I'm speechless. That is so whimsical and beautiful and amazing and sad all at once. Thank you for sharing. I'm blown away by how much work that was!