Monday, December 07, 2009

Whoa! Scary.

I bought something called Earth Balance at Cub last night. It's a vegan "buttery spread." :) Anyway, I took a stick out of the package today and couldn't help but noticed the little stamped date on the end of the box.


At first glance, doesn't it look like this stuff is going to be good for another 200 years? :) But clearly, it must mean September 22, 2010. Then I realized that it's already weird that it's good for another 10 months. But I'm not going to think about that for too long. Instead I'm going to enjoy the fact that I can make a semi-normal dairy-free cookie!


Lisa said...

Did Renee get you hooked on that? I've got two boxes in my fridge right now! I just put some on my gluten-free toast for dinner tonight... (-:

Jenny and Mike said...

Earth Balance is pretty good stuff all things considered. Paige eats it without any problems...other "Dairy Free" products have sometimes given her a reaction...maybe they just need several centuries worth of preservatives...

Omar said...

That's pretty good stuff you wrote.LOL.