Saturday, December 15, 2007

Oh, give me a break!

Okay, I have a bone to pick with Target. It's bad enough that after Back-to-School, half of the seasonal department turns into Christmas. And of course, the other half comes after Halloween. (Hello, have we heard of Thanksgiving? Let it be a holiday! Oh, that's another post). My beef today is that now that it IS an appropriate time for Christmas stuff, I found Valentine M&Ms on an endcap. Seriously? Is someone really going to come into Target in the middle of December expecting to see pink and red M&Ms? Do people have to really plan ahead for the hugely popular holiday of Valentine's Day? I just don't get it. I'd honestly LOVE to know how many they sell before January. Crazy!
All right, I'm done.


Danika said...

Funny...I was just at Target this afternoon with a friend and we shook our heads at the Valentines' items for sale at the front of the store. It's a sad, sad thing.

Lisa said...

o my gosh.

that is sad, really sad. I don't understand, it's like they can't just stay in the moment, ever. live one holiday at a time.