Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The ministry of open windows

We got to 64 degrees today--the warmest day since sometime last October. And of course I celebrated by promptly tearing the plastic film off our bedroom window and opening it wide. Sarah Bessey is good at declaring the ministry of everyday things--the ministry of a good hair cut, the ministry of perfectly worn-in jeans, the ministry of the first margarita of the summer, etc.

So today, with the breeze blowing in, I declared the ministry of open windows.

Our winter wasn't particularly LONG this year (not any longer than usual, anyway), (nor do I think that the winter weather is all in the past--I'm looking at you, chance of snow on Saturday), but it was brutal. Six days off school for frigid cold and/or snow. Ouch.

So after a few months of being closed up, there is something sacred about opening the house back up to the outdoors again. It smells fresh and new. You can hear birds and dogs and neighbors.

Our windows-open season is short here. We tend to go straight from winter to summer to winter again. Furnace to AC to furnace. So I'll enjoy these open windows while they last, and I hope they last for a while. (You know, after the snow on Saturday, anyway).

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